Tuesday, February 19, 2013

DharmaQuiz Session 196: 19-Feb-2013

Theme: Hinduism
  1. Hinduism not only covers other-worldly spirituality, but also this-worldly science, medicine & engineering. True or False? #DharmaQuiz 1341. Ans: True.
  2. Researchers say, the first vernal equinox recorded in the Rig Veda, could be from around 10,000 BCE. Of which star? #DharmaQuiz 1342. Ans: Ashwini.
  3. The word "Arya" is used 36 times in 34 hymns of Rig Veda. Does it depict an honourable address, or a racial reference? #DharmaQuiz 1343. Ans: An honourable address.
  4. There are many references for the word "Hindu" in the 4 Vedas. True or False? #DharmaQuiz 1344. Ans: False. There are no reference to "Hindu" at all in the 4 Vedas.
  5. Hinduism has been all encompassing, allowing theistic, atheistic & agnostic beliefs. Yes or No? #DharmaQuiz 1345. Ans: Yes.
Read more here: http://hinduism.about.com/od/basics/a/hinduism.htm?nl=1

Check first 4 columns for ancient Hindu scientists
Top Scorers for session 196:
  1. @karuvaki : 5
  2. @man8shree : 5
  3. @sweetandu : 5
  4. @S_Mandalia : 5
  5. @indianomad : 5
  6. @Sahyadri : 5
  7. @asraghunath : 5
  8. @CJ_Shekhar : 5
  9. @sndpmysuru : 5
  10. @sharathinindia : 5
  11. @hindu_tweeter : 5
  12. @shylsmn : 5
  13. @dolby_mehul : 5
Congrats to:
  1. @geophyraj : 4
  2. @ComedyDivine : 4
  3. @Kiran_Speaks : 4
  4. @iParamanand : 4
  5. @ankushraj29 : 4
  6. @surya_sarathi : 4
  7. @ashutoshkulkar1 : 4
  8. @kaashthakkar : 4
  1. @avinashbhat01 : 3
  2. @Mamdhata : 3
  3. @DrSaisree : 3
  4. @stormylook : 3
  5. @Susri1210 : 3
  6. @RatnaniHitesh : 3
  1. @cgmagia : 2
  2. @cubicle_warrier : 2
  3. @pp_chn : 2
  4. @octotus : 2
  1. @rinku3009 : 1
  2. @ramjoukani : 1
  3. @chand_andas : 1
  4. @pdeept : 1
  5. @Venkat80777360 : 1
  6. @vijay_rajan : 1
  7. @Confuje : 1
  8. @ssmalani : 1
  9. @bipinkumarrai : 1
  10. @subodh1945 : 1
  11. @curryputtar : 1
  12. @subramanianaras : 1
  13. @adityaagnihotri : 1
  14. @iDevNakshi : 1
Happy that you all participated in a session to refresh our knowledge about ancient India.

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