Tuesday, October 23, 2012

DharmaQuiz Session 171: 23-Oct-2012

Theme: Nava Durgas or Nine forms of Devi Durga
  1. Among the Nava Durgas (9 Durgas) worshiped during Navaratri, which form of Devi derives its name from her son? #DharmaQuiz 1211. Ans: Skanda Mata (Mother of Subrahmanya or Skanda)
  2. Which of the 9 forms of Goddess Durga worshiped during Navaratri denotes her as being extremely fair complexioned?  #DharmaQuiz 1212. Ans: Maha Gauri (Gaura colour in Sanskrit means spotless white)
  3. Which of the 9 forms of Devi Durga worshiped during Navaratri denotes her as very dark in colour, ready to fight demons?  #DharmaQuiz 1213. Ans: Kala Raatri, fighting rakshasas Shumbha and Nishumbha.
  4. Goddess Durga wears a half moon, or crescent on her forehead during the 3rd day of Navaratri. What is she called that day?  #DharmaQuiz 1214. Ans: Chandra Ghanta. 
  5. Shiva worshiped Durga on 9th day of Navaratri and got powers. Which Nava Durga form he worshiped? #DharmaQuiz 1215. Ans: Siddhi Dhaatri (The one who bestows powers or siddhis).
Read more here:

Nava Durgas: http://hinduism.about.com/od/godsgoddesses/ss/navadurga_2.htm

Sequence of how Nava Durgas were formed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navadurga#NavaDurga_Life_Phases

Top Scorers of session 171:
  1. @nanditathhakur : 5
  2. @AshutoshNSingh : 5
  3. @Amaresh80 : 5
  4. @sharathinindia : 5
  5. @sweetandu : 5
  6. @dolby_mehul : 5
  7. @abhipar7 : 5
  8. @man8shree : 5
  9. @suryakantpandey : 5
  10. @sharad_51 : 5
  11. @intodust_in : 5
  12. @DevNakshi : 5
  13. @rahulghildiyal : 5
Many congrats to:

@udgeetha : 4
@smna17 : 4

@ankushraj29 : 3
@harishkaushik15 : 3
@forevernivesh : 3

@keewwllguy : 2
@ochrerocker : 2

@Ajaymishra412 : 1
@iNeelSoni : 1
@lodyaashi : 1
@archie229 : 1
@meelogsin : 1
@Prach82 : 1
@dppoddar : 1
@IamSrivatsanV : 1

May Goddess Durga bless everyone! Peace.

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